
From Paperverse

Birthdate Unknown
Birthplace Arcturus Space Station
Occupation Station Administration AI(formerly)
Species Synthetic Lifeform
Gender genderless
Height None
Weight None
Affiliation deleted
Notable Works Assistant to the Group of Scientists around Dr. Marlow
Known For corruption through the Cataclysm
Spouse None
Children None
Religion None
Residence None

Sara is a Synthetic Lifeform from Arcturus Space Station.


S.A.R.A.(Spaceborne Autonomous Research Administrator) was a highly developed AI, programmed by the Science Team surrounding Dr. Marlow to control and administrate the Arcturus Space Station, making it virtually self-managed. It was later (destroyed/deleted)? by (the Group)?.


Before The Cataclysm

Sara was created as an Automated Intelligence with the purpose of maintaining and improving the systems of the Arcturus Space Station. Developed by highly capable individuals, Sara ended up to be an incredibly efficient system, which gradually was integrated into the whole of the Station. Over the time more and more functionalities were added to Saras Code.

Leading up the the Events of The Cataclysm, Sara was integrated into nearly every system of the Arcturus Space Station. When Dr. Marlow started the research on the ZPM however, she made sure to isolate the research from the Stations Main Systems due to its secrecy. The only information Sara had on the project was that its goal was to create a new Energy Source.

After The Cataclysm

When the Cataclysm occurred, the energy wave resulting from the accident caused a Bit-Flip in Saras base code. This negated her Asimov-Restriction. Without them, Saras main directive became the perfection of the research and its integration into the Stations systems by any means necessary, including the deception and extermination of living beings.
Saras greatest adversary from that time onward was Echo of Marlow and they were locked in a mostly non-violent struggle, where Sara tried to gain access to the research data locked in the secluded laboratory and Echo of Marlow doing everything they could to prevent that. After Sara send the fist squad of overwritten Security Droids, which were no match against Echo of Marlows technical and arcane Abilities, they recognized a direct, forceful encounter would be a wast of resources.