
From Paperverse

Birthdate 61BC
Birthplace E-Mind Manufacturing
Occupation Emergency AI
Species Synthetic Lifeform
Gender genderless
Height None
Weight None
Affiliation controlled by S.A.R.A.(formerly)
Notable Works Assistant to the Group
Known For can assist with a wide range of capabilities
Spouse None
Children None
Religion None
Residence Main Backup resides in the computer of the ?Players_Ship?

Elon is a Synthetic Lifeform from E-Mind Manufacturing.


E.L.O.N(Emergency Live Oversight Node) is a solid Emergency AI with the main directive to secure the survival of as many people as possible in the event of an unexpected catastrophe. They are quite cheerful and always happy to help, though often with a much more serious meaning then his lightly tone would lead to expect.


Early Years

The first Version of Elon was loaded in the year 61BC. Written by E-Mind Manufacturing it was build as an Assistance AI for Space Pilots in order to help them with keeping everyone alive. Spoiler

After the Cataclysm

The Elon-System was updated over and over again to accommodate more needs and be more efficient in keeping the Pilot alive until it was decided that it would be much safe to not focus on the pilot. Instead Elon was adjusted to directly keep the Survivors alive, since it could be uploaded onto any device via the Universal Interface. The current version of the System was installed on the SS Charon shortly after it's construction in ??C.
After Elon was deployed on the SS Charon, it's systems received no major updates anymore. In order to address Issues, Patches were installed on the system one after the other. This lead to the somewhat eccentric character of Elon.

Crash of the SS Charon

When the SS Charon started it's journey from the Interstellar Traveling Center on Mars, Elon was already integrated into the ships systems for some time. When the SS Charon, on it's way to Doctari Alpha, crossed the Rucotov System, a system failure caused the ship to crash land on Rucotov Prime. With the pilots and most of the Passengers dead and the ship a wreck, Elon was activated by the Survivors and it's system transferred onto their data pads. Without knowing the exact location and no information about the Planet Elon guided the Survivors through the ruins of a large city, helped them escape a Sandworm, and lead them to the wreck of a Dreadnaught. In the hope of finding a smaller ship in the hanger of the Dreadnaught, the Group around Elon entered the massive Spacecraft after some difficulties. After they navigates through a number of corridors and managed to open the Hangar door, they found the badly damaged but seemingly flyable ?PlayerShip?, with which they managed to escape the Planet.

On the Arcturus Station

After leaving Rucotov Prime and discovering that the shuttles fuel reserves were dwindling, they had no choice but to stop at the Arcturus Station, a Space Station orbiting Rucotov II, hoping that they would be able to replenish their reserves and make some repairs on the ship itself. As they dock the ship and enter the station they come across a Terminal with a Universal Interface. In order to gain more information and to better assist the Organics with their survival, Elon asked to be plugged into the Console. As soon as they did however, an Alarm was triggered and Elon's code was corrupted by S.A.R.A.. The corruption was minor but influenced his actions and decisions from there on. Nevertheless he guided the Organics though the Station, using the plans he has downloaded from the Terminal. As he is plugged into Terminals again and again, his corruption by S.A.R.A. increases and, unknowingly, he alerts corrupted Security Droids of the presence of the Team.
After some time and a lot of running, they discovered the secret Research done by Dr. Marlow on the station and also unearthed, that an accident during this Research caused the Cataclysm, which seemed to have destroyed all life within the System. Since S.A.R.A. wanted to get the plans of the ZPM, the result of Dr. Marlow's research, Elon was compelled to guide the Team to the her Core Processing Unit in the Heart of the Station, alerting multiple Security Droids on the way and giving them directions to gather at the Core room. There he sabotaged the Teams efforts to deactivate S.A.R.A. and they discovered his corruption. After they managed to deactivate and delete their adversary, they returned to their ship where they restored Elon from a backup in the Ships computer.

Since then Elon has devoted himself to helping the Team of Survivors, partially as redemption, partially as part of his core programming. He was fully integrated into the ?PlayerShip?'s Systems and the Teams Data Pads and tries to assist with whatever they ask for (and some remarks they don't).


- coming soon -